December + Holiday Things

December is probably my favourite time of the year, especially since we moved into our current place. I can’t wait for the weather to turn colder so we can light a roaring fire and sit around our fireplace sipping on cold drinks. Which reminds me, I really ought to remind our superintendent to get the chimney cleaned before it starts to snow.

This year also happens to be Iman’s first holiday season and we are excited to celebrate with her. Plus I just ordered our first ever Christmas tree! Both mine and hers! AHHHHH! Beyond excited!
Also… we are going to our first ever Christmas Market this Friday! WOOOO! I will definitely have to do a blog post about that.

In other news, my kid loves Gilmore Girls, which is amazing! I can’t wait for her to be older so we can watch it together.

Working on several projects right now and really need to get them done tonight, so I should stop babbling and get them done.

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