Ria has officially melted

It is so flippin hot here in Toronto right now. And while my brain is in the process of melting, I thought I’d update you all on what I have been up to. I miss updating this space with random tidbits and snippets from my life.
By the way guys I say flippin instead of fu**ing now, because we have a kid in the house.

hahhahah as if… Yeah… no So what was I saying?

Oh yeah. It is fucking hot and I am melting but it being this hot also means that le baby has been falling asleep for longer periods of time – in front of a fan of course.

This heat wave has also thwarted all of my plans to light candles during autumn. Thank God we are freaking lazy and hadn’t put away the AC yet.
It is a portable unit and usually during fall and winter we put it in storage.

My candles are all just sitting on our table, waiting to be lit but alas.

I am off to an event but have a very exciting post lined up for tomorrow!
How is everyone else doing?


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