
I am obsessed with the word Atelier and just in the span of last 3 days, it has turned up twice in my life.

  1. I am watching a show on Netflix Canada titled Atelier.
    It is a Japanese show about a young girl from rural Japan who moves to Tokyo in hopes of kickstarting a great career. The industry of her choice is custom lingerie – since she is in love with fabrics.
    I am honestly fascinated by the show.


    Not everyone knows this, and I rarely used to talk about it here, but when I first moved to Toronto, I was working as a digital media strategist for a jewelry designer named 3Shahs.

    Through her, I have attended a number of fashion events and the show depicts them accurately. I also really enjoy looking at beautiful items of clothing, watching Japanese dramas & the language in general, so this is a rare treat.

    Custom lingerie seems so luxurious though and I will honestly give it a go. Would you?

  2. I just heard the most recent episode of girlboss radio and it is with Atelier Doré!
    Fantastic episode and so many great learnings that I can start applying to my life right away.171018_Girlboss_Podcast_GaranceDore
    Go give it a listen by clicking here.

Side note: I am heading to girlboss rally on November 11 with my friend Marsha and I couldn’t be more excited! But I feel that it deserves a blog post of its own.

I don’t know what the point of this post was and to be honest I just wanted to check in here because in many ways this is my atelier and has been since 2011.

I really want to get into the habit of blogging regularly but with work and everything, it always takes a backseat. Maybe I should go back to my schedule of positing 3 times a week and spend one hour each morning just writing. Anyways, it is pretty late here so I am signing off for now.

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